Steam Education - News

November 2016 - International STEAM-week launched in Lier and Antwerp

ANTWERP - November 2016

Dozens of teachers and students coming from 10 different European countries gave the kick-off of SPACE (Strategic Partnership: Agents of Change Education). An international organization managed by students that – in the context of Erasmus+ and AP University College as coordinator – will have an ambassador’s role the coming years in terms of education innovation.

The city Lier formed the basecamp of the first international project week wherein STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) played the key-role. This meant great fun for all 194 preschoolers and children of primary school Stadspark who were submerged in the theme of this project week: human life on the moon.

The STEAM-week is an integral part of the SPACE-project (Strategic Partnership: Agents of Change in Education) that aims to educate pre-primary and primary school children through the WASO education model
